Killarney Heights Public School

Bringing Excellence in Education Within a Unique Bilingual Setting

Telephone02 9451 9547

Gifted & Talented

Gifted & Talented Policy


The NSW Government is committed to high quality educational outcomes for all gifted and talented students and the provision of an appropriate curriculum to meet these students’ needs within the school education system. Such students are diverse and are found in all ethnic groups and cultures.

Killarney Heights Public School is committed to providing rich programs to develop skills in critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration and technology to enable all students to reach their full potential educationally, socially and emotionally. Our staff ensure that all students find school a secure, happy and challenging adventure including those identified as gifted and talented.


Our aim as the Gifted and Talented committee at KHPS is to:

  • Encourage the achievement of personal excellence in all students.
  • Encourage and assist students with special abilities to achieve their potential.
  • Raise student and parent awareness of opportunities and challenges to students with special abilities.
  • Identify students who are gifted or talented and to ensure that the school responds to and provides for their individual needs.
  • Provide support to teachers to ensure differentiation occurs for all students.

(Riley 2000, as cited by Dr Suzanne Vasilevska, 2011)

Click here for the KHPS GATS policy.