Learning from home FAQs
There are many questions about learning from home, and we have tried to collate them in one place. You also may find some of the instructional videos useful further on in this page. There's a whole world out there!
Check out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQS).
What equipment to I need to be able to learn from home?
Do I need a computer for every child to learn from home?
What are the behaviour expectations for students learning from home?
How does my teacher communicate with students and parents/carers when learning from home?
How do I access the Student Portal?
What is SeeSaw and who uses it?
What is Google Classroom, who uses it and how do I get there?
How can I access my Google Classroom class work?
Can I easily see Term or Weekly planners at a glance?
What equipment to I need to be able to learn from home?
These resources are currently geared towards those who have:
- an Internet connection
- an Internet-enabled device with a screen and keyboard of sufficient speed and size to enable your child to interact
- an Internet-enabled device with camera and microphone facilities (optional)
- a printer (optional)
- We like to suggest Chrome for students as most of the applications work on that platform, but the web browser is your choice!
Do I need a computer for every child to learn from home?
School learning is not always on the computer. In fact, a lot of work requires writing, drawing, reading, researching, thinking, talking and listening.
Sometimes sharing an Internet-enabled device can be challenging, especially when there are multiple children in the household who need to be at home.
Please contact the school if you need to discuss this matter further.
Behaviour expectations
Students are expected to meet our expectations for Respect, Responsibility and Success when online, and when learning from home. When managing inappropriate behaviour online, teachers may be required to withdraw access to learning from home facilities.
Expectations for behaviour when online are outlined in:
- KHPS ICT Contract
- KHPS PBEL (Positive Behaviour Engaging Learners)
- DoE Student Behaviour Code
- DoE School Community Charter
- DoE Student use of digital devices and online services
- DoE Digital Citizenship
How does my teacher communicate with students & parents when learning from home?
- Every student has a class teacher.
- Every student has RFF (Release from Face-to-Face) Teachers.
- Students enrolled in the FANS program have a Teacher of French.
- Teachers can be contacted through the school office (school email or phone).
- Teachers contact the parents of their students through SchoolZine, or by phone.
- Teachers can contact their students, assign work, and monitor learning through Google Classroom (see below)
- Students can contact their teacher through Google Classroom or face-to-face.
- Video-conferencing can be appropriate under supervision. Parents will be contacted should this be necessary.
- Teachers of French have a Google classroom for Francophones and a classroom for Anglophones.
How do I access the 'Student Portal'?
- Every enrolled student has a student portal login and password.
- This is the 'key' to the Learning from home 'door'. You will need to know how to log in.
- Please contact your class teacher if you need more information about obtaining their user name and password.
What is SeeSaw and who uses it?
- Kindergarten students, parents and teachers communicate through See Saw.
What is Google Classroom, who uses it and how do I get there?
Try this easy KHOOL Tube video as a starter!
- A parent's guide to Google Classroom
- If you are using an ipad or the like, make sure you download the Google apps - e.g. classroom
- Each teacher has a Google Classroom, or shares one with their Stage team.
- Each Teacher of French has a Google Classroom, or shares one with their Stage team, for Anglophones and Francophones.
- Teachers organise set work through Google Classroom.
- To access Google Classroom:
- Sign into student portal
- In the 'Learning' menu, click 'Show more'
- Choose G Suite (Google apps for Education)
- Choose Classroom
- Younger students may need assistance accessing the Google classroom resource.
- Teachers enrol their students in the classroom by 'inviting' them (they'll get an email) or giving them a 'join code'.
- Teachers can pose questions and monitor discussion between students.
- Parents ('guardians') can have an email summary of their child's activity on Google Classroom if required.
How can I access my Google Classroom class work?
Teachers arrange weekly work in 'topics'. You'll see these in the class 'classwork' tab.
Try this KHOOL Tube to find your weekly class work.
Can I easily see Term or Weekly planners at a glance?
- Term Planners for each stage are available on each Google Classroom as a resource. See your Google Classroom, Classwork, Term Overviews
- Week by week support resources for Mathematics are available on Google Classroom, Classwork, Term Overviews
- A weekly planner may be provided by teachers as a guide to managing the learning in cases where Google Classroom is not in use at home.
- Alternatively, the weekly tasks may be listed in the Google Classroom Classwork.
What websites does KHPS recommend for students?
We've curated our favourite websites for you in our KHOOL Resources Hub.
You'll find all of the websites that students subscribe to, and many other sites that are quality resources for primary students. Be guided by our staff recommendations.
You'll find websites like these:
- The syllabus for each learning area can be found at the NESA website.
- Spelling City - passwords available from teachers or through Google Classroom
- Reading Eggspress - for early readers - passwords available from teachers or through Google Classroom
- Reading Eggs - after the early readers - passwords available from teachers or through Google Classroom
- School Magazine - students in Years 3-6 have a subscription to this wonderful magazine. Currently it is available in print format, however, digital formats may be available soon.
- Maths Invaders Online - passwords available from teachers or through Google Classroom
- Mathletics - passwords available from teachers or through Google Classroom
- Students in primary have access to Times Tables Rock Stars -
- Linguascope - passwords available from teachers or through Google Classroom
- Typing Tournament - passwords available from teachers or through Google Classroom
- World Book Online - passwords available from teachers or through Google Classroom.
How do I subscribe to the more KHPS KHOOL help videos?
Go to Google, and enter the search term: KHOOL HELP or follow this link.
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