22 Jan 2020
Welcome to a new decade at KHPS!

Welcome back to school, and a special welcome to all our new students!
We like to hit the ground running at Killarney Heights Public School, and information overload can become overwhelming. We've tried to write some key points as succinctly as possible before school starts so that everyone can sleep easily.
- School calendar dates can be accessed through our website and here's a link to it!
- Ensure you receive all the communications you need. Please check your subscriptions to Schoolzine. Parents/caregivers should subscribe to the Bulletin and the grades that each of your children are in for 2020. 2019 year lists have been migrated to 2020 year lists, but please check. We will update class group lists later once students are in classes. All official communications come from the school through SchoolZine, just like this one!
- Kindergarten 2020 come to school at their set Best Start interview time (on either Wednesday 29/1, Thursday 30/1 or Friday 31/1). The library is being refurbished, so we may have to change the venue, however, we will let the Kindergarten 2020 posted through SchoolZine. Their first day of school in their 2020 classroom with their 2020 teacher is MONDAY 3rd February. We are so excited to have you here, and your Year 6 buddies are bursting with excitement!
- Tuesday 28th January is a pupil-free day. Some students are attending Vacation Care with PrimaryOSHCare on that date in the School Hall. Teachers return on TUESDAY 28th January and are busily engaged in staff training, meetings, and program presentations.
- Years 1-6 2020 return on WEDNESDAY 29 January, same time, same place. That is, the supervised playground opens at 8:30 am as usual, and students will start in same classroom as 2019 and can be picked up from that same classroom. Many students will work with their 2019 teachers. Students will be in their new classes by the end of the week, at the very latest, if not before.
- New students in Years 1-6, and their parent(s), should come to the office at or after 9 am WEDNESDAY 29 January where our team will meet and greet you. You are not alone: there are about 30 of you, and we have taken care to introduce you to buddy students. Student leaders will help you to find your holding class after meeting and greeting us in the office. Expect to make new friends, and to talk to other new parents while waiting. It should take about 45 minutes. A great way to meet the community is to volunteer in the canteen (see below).
- Student Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects 2020 should present themselves to their 2019 classroom for roll marking, and then come and help us in the office welcoming new students. Your first job as leader is on Day 1, Session 1!
- Learning starts Day 1. Teachers have prepared lessons to start off the school year.
- 2020 School Supplies: Students should pack lightly for school with a small pencil case. Bringing in all 2020 supplies is not recommended until students are in their 2020 class or by the beginning of Week 2. The 2020 supply list is here. Many of you are replenishing supplies and others are stocking the lot. Please note that the uniform shop carries items such as library bags and art smocks if you want KHPS branded versions.
- The canteen is open Day 1. You can order on Flexischools as usual. Some important tips for Flexischools ordering in the first week:
- You will be asked for your 2020 class for Wednesday's order. Please enter you child's 2019 class.
- As soon as students know their 2020 classes, we will advise Flexischools to re-prompt you next time you order. At that point, you will enter the new class for 2020. We'll send you a reminder when it's time to update your child's class!
- Please only place orders for the day, otherwise your orders may go to the old class when students move 'up'. Once students are in their new classes on Flexischools, you are free to order ahead, place standing orders etc.
- Thank you P&C for hitting the ground running. It is appreciated.
- Parents, please consider registering to help in the canteen https://signup.zone/yn9e3nss2thLLFzDM. Thank you volunteers. Let's aim to surprise Fonny by filling in all slots in the schedule!
- Don't forget to pack recess and lunch (if not ordering through the canteen). No doubt, this difficult weather will continue. Pack a water bottle, a hat, and let's start the year by not losing any personal belongings.
- Summer uniform should be worn. Definitely. If you don't pack a jumper, you won't lose it. You won't need it (or we will eat our hats). If you need to contact the Uniform Shop or see the Uniform, you can click on the links. Thank you P&C, Uniform Shop for hitting the ground running.
- PrimaryOSHCare will be located at the School Hall from TUESDAY 28th January for Vacation care on pupil-free day, and for before and after school care thereafter. Thank you PrimaryOSHCare for being so flexible and helping the children deal with the difficult weather conditions.
- Take care travelling to and from school. Stay cool and relaxed, and expect some difficult traffic conditions if using Warringah Road.
Yours succinctly with kindness, and looking forward to a terrific 2020 at KHPS,
Gillian Tegg, (Principal), Danka Murray & John Williams (Deputy Principals)