27 Jan 2021

Welcome back to school for another action-packed year of learning. We extend a particularly warm welcome to all our new students and their families, as well as those who return to KHPS after an extended absence!
We like to get straight into teaching and learning at Killarney Heights Public School, and to do so we are communicating a few pertinent points, as succinctly as possible, so that we are all ready for Friday!
Please be aware that current Departmental Covid Guidelines will see the year start very similarly to the way it ended. There are some important details below and a link the DoE information page for full details.
- School calendar dates can be accessed through our website and here's a link to it! We will be adding quite a few dates over the next few weeks as they are finalised.
- Ensure you receive all the communications you need. Please check your subscriptions to Schoolzine. Parents/caregivers should subscribe to the Bulletin and the Grades/Year Groups that your child/ren are in for this year. 2020 year group lists have been migrated to 2021 year lists today (so if you were in Year 2 2020, you are now in Year 3 2021), but please check. Class groups from 2020 have been deleted. We will create 2021 class group lists once students are in classes. All official school communications come via SchoolZine.
- Wednesday 27th & Thursday 28th January are pupil-free days. Teachers are on site these days busily engaged in staff training, meetings, and program presentations.
- Years 1-6 2021 return on FRIDAY 29th January. The supervised playground opens at 8:30 am as usual, and students will start in same classroom as 2020. Most students will work with their 2020 teachers. Please see COVID Guidelines re pickup and drop off below.
- New students in Years 1-6, and their parent(s), should come to the office at the time indicated below tomorrow (FRIDAY 29 January) where our team will meet and greet you.
- Families with new students in Years 4, 5 or 6 should arrive to the office around 9:10 am.
- Families with students in Years 1, 2 or 3 should arrive from 9:30am.
- If you have children in multiple year groups, please attend at your younger child's time.
- You are not alone - there are about 25 new students, and we have taken care to pair you with a buddy student.
- Student leaders will help you to find your class after meeting and greeting us in the office. Expect to make new friends and to talk to other new families while waiting. It should take about 15 minutes.
- We expect to have Year 1-6 students in their new classes by the end of day, but this will depend upon actual student attendance.
- Kindergarten 2021 come to school at their pre-booked Best Start interview time (on either Friday 29/1, Monday 01/2 or Tuesday 02/2). Interviews are being held in Kildare and Kilkenny classrooms as per correspondences. Kindergarten students' first day of school in their 2021 classroom with their teachers is Wednesday 3rd February. We are so excited to see you!
- Student Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects 2021 should present themselves to their 2020 classroom for roll marking, and then come and help us in the office welcoming new students. Your first job as leader is on Day 1, Session 1!
- Learning starts Day 1. Teachers have prepared lessons to start off the school year straight away.
- Students should pack lightly for school with a small pencil case of basic stationery items only. The majority of students will have ordered supplies via the online portal. Stationery packs will be distributed to students in their 2021 class.
- The canteen is NOT open Day 1 (Friday 29th) so students will need to bring packed recess and lunch. Canteen will be open from Monday 1st February. You can order on Flexischools as usual once the canteen opens on Monday.
- You will need to list your 2020 classes until Flexischools have updated their lists.
- As soon as students know their 2021 classes, we will advise Flexischools to re-prompt you next time you order. At that point, you will enter the new class for 2021. We'll send you a reminder when it's time to update your child's class!
- Please only place orders for the day, rather than standing orders at this stage. Once students are in their new classes on Flexischools, you are free to order ahead, place standing orders etc.
- Parents, please consider registering to help in the canteen. Mums and dads are both welcome. Your kids love seeing your face in the canteen. Come and try. We have a coffee machine ready to go. Bring your friends for a chat and help in the canteen at the same time. The more the merrier. Here is the roster to put your name: https://signup.zone/DxJfZd5rTCQs4ejto https://signup.zone/yn9e3nss2thLLFzDM. Thank you volunteers. Let's aim to surprise Fonny by filling in all slots in the schedule!
- Thank you P&C for hitting the ground running. It is appreciated.
- Pack a water bottle and a hat. Please ensure that all personal items are clearly labelled with child's name and let's start the year by not losing any personal belongings!
- Children should be returning in summer uniform (obviously), and may wear sports uniform tomorrow as it is a Friday!
- Please travel safely to school - leave enough time and comply with parking restrictions and signage around the school as there have been a number of changes over the last few months.
COVID GUIDELINES - Dropoff and Pickup details
- As mentioned, current guidelines will see us start the year with arrangements essentially the same as they were at the end of 2020.
- For dropoff purposes, students may be dropped just inside each gates just as they were last year. Students will be familiar with where to go as they are returning to their old classrooms on Friday morning. Staff will be on duty from 8:30 am and students can be dropped at any point after this time. New families to the school should bring their child to the office as detailed above.
- At pickup time:
- Years 3-6 - parents of students in 2021 3-6 classes should clearly organise with their child which gate they will be meeting their child at. Blue - Tralee, Red - Tramore (office end of the K-2 toilet block), Green - Oval end of K-2 toilet block), Yellow - Melwood.
- Year 1 - Students will be delivered to the RED gate at 3pm by their class teachers. This will mean it is the same arrangements as the children had in Kindergarten last year. This will change by Wednesday next week and we will communicate new arrangements before then.
- Year 2 - Students will be delivered to the GREEN gate at 3pm by their teachers. This is the same arrangements as the children had in Year 1 last year. This will change by Wednesday next week and we will communicate new arrangements before then.
- Students new to the school - Students will be delivered to the office for pick up on Friday week 1. This will change from Monday next week and we will communicate new arrangements before then.
- For full information visit the Advice For Families site which gives guidelines for the current Covid environment.
- We also encourage you to download the NSW School Updates App. The app will send a notification to you if and when the operational status of our school changes.
Yours sincerely and looking forward to a terrific 2021 at KHPS,
Gillian Tegg, John Williams & Anne McIntosh